Non – Compete Clause

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In general, employment contracts in the Philippines are allowed to contain non-competition clauses wherein an employee may be restricted from carrying out certain activities both during and after his or her employment.

Sometimes referred to as non-involvement clauses, non-compete clauses are valid and enforceable as long as there are reasonable limitations as to time, trade, and place.

In upholding a two-year non-compete clause, the Supreme Court in Tiu v. Platinum Plans Phils. Inc. (G.R. No. 163512, 28 February 2007) explained:

As early as 1916, we already had the occasion to discuss the validity of a non-involvement clause. In Ferrazzini v. Gsell, we said that such clause was unreasonable restraint of trade and therefore against public policy. In Ferrazzini, the employee was prohibited from engaging in any business or occupation in the Philippines for a period of five years after the termination of his employment contract and must first get the written permission of his employer if he were to do so. The Court ruled that while the stipulation was indeed limited as to time and space, it was not limited as to trade. Such prohibition, in effect, forces an employee to leave the Philippines to work should his employer refuse to give a written permission.

In G. Martini, Ltd. v. Glaiserman, we also declared a similar stipulation as void for being an unreasonable restraint of trade. There, the employee was prohibited from engaging in any business similar to that of his employer for a period of one year. Since the employee was employed only in connection with the purchase and export of abaca, among the many businesses of the employer, the Court considered the restraint too broad since it effectively prevented the employee from working in any other business similar to his employer even if his employment was limited only to one of its multifarious business activities.

However, in Del Castillo v. Richmond, we upheld a similar stipulation as legal, reasonable, and not contrary to public policy. In the said case, the employee was restricted from opening, owning or having any connection with any other drugstore within a radius of four miles from the employer’s place of business during the time the employer was operating his drugstore. We said that a contract in restraint of trade is valid provided there is a limitation upon either time or place and the restraint upon one party is not greater than the protection the other party requires.

Finally, in Consulta v. Court of Appeals, we considered a non-involvement clause in accordance with Article 1306 of the Civil Code. While the complainant in that case was an independent agent and not an employee, she was prohibited for one year from engaging directly or indirectly in activities of other companies that compete with the business of her principal. We noted therein that the restriction did not prohibit the agent from engaging in any other business, or from being connected with any other company, for as long as the business or company did not compete with the principal’s business. Further, the prohibition applied only for one year after the termination of the agent’s contract and was therefore a reasonable restriction designed to prevent acts prejudicial to the employer.

Conformably then with the aforementioned pronouncements, a non-involvement clause is not necessarily void for being in restraint of trade as long as there are reasonable limitations as to time, trade, and place.

Moreover, Article 1306 of the Civil Code provides that parties to a contract may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public policy. Indeed, a non-compete clause that imposes reasonable limitations as to time, trade, and place is valid and not contrary to law.